Alkuwaiti Auto Services
5% off from existing offers on Tyres
Offer available in all branches This offer adds an extra 5% off on existing discounts on tyres available in our shops.
30% Off Tyres
This offer is available in all our branches. This offer does not work with our existing offers in our shops.
10% off on Car Batteries
This offer is available in all of our branches. This offer does not work with existing offers in our branches.
50%!!! off on our Car Wash
Sedan Cars from 3.5BD to 1.75BD SUV Cars from 4.5BD to 2.25BD This Offer is only available in Awali and Al Sayah branch.
Alkuwaiti Auto Service is a part of Ali Ahmed Alkuwaiti group, a company that has been in the market for than 75 years. We specialize in quick services for cars such as Tires, Lubricants and Batteries. we have 15 branches across the Kingdom, and we have a wide range of Tires, Italian, American, Singaporean, and Chinese.